How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Here’s a snapshot of America’s health when it comes to the heart: Heart disease is the number one killer. High blood pressure is a contributing cause of about 1,000 deaths a day – and one in every three American adults has the condition. About seven in 10 don’t realize it, putting them at risk for heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and kidney disease.

About seven in 10 adults with high blood pressure use medication to control it.

That’s according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

While we’re not quibbling with the necessity for medication to get blood pressure under control, there are natural remedies for high blood pressure, including spices and herbs that can help. Since keeping your blood pressure in the healthy range is something you need to do all your life, it’s better to control it without drugs, if you can.

Cardamom: This seasoning comes from India (think fragrant chai tea) and is often used in traditional dishes of South Asia. It has a sweet flavor similar to grapefruit and ginger, if you can imagine that. Scientists in India have studied its effects on blood pressure, and recommend a teaspoon of cardamom powder taken with honey twice a day for healthy blood pressure.

Other options? Include cardamom seeds or powder in soups and stews, spice rubs, and in baked goods for a kick and a positive health benefit.

Cat’s claw: When it comes to medicinal herbs to lower high blood pressure, cat’s claw has been used in China for thousands of years. Studies have suggested its effectiveness. According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), rhynchophylline, an alkaloid or certain organic compound in cat’s claw, has demonstrated an ability inhibiting both the formation of plaque on arterial walls and formation of blood clots in the brain, heart, and arteries.

You’ll find cat’s claw in supplement form in health stores and supplement sections at your supermarket.

Celery seed: Another herb popular in traditional Chinese medicine, celery seed has been used to help with hypertension. You can use the seeds to flavor soups, casseroles, and other savory dishes – and you can also juice the whole plant. It has a salty taste, making it a good mix with the sweeter fruit juices. Try carrot, apple, and celery first thing in the morning for a terrific pick-me-up. It’s a nutrient powerhouse in a glass. You might like it better than your morning coffee (we said might!).

Celery in your diet can act as a natural diuretic, so its potassium and sodium content helps to regulate body fluids. It also has a nutrient called phthalide, reported to promote cardiovascular health.

These are a few medicinal herbs to lower high blood pressure. As you can see, going the natural route is an appetizing one. So start with your diet, and spend more time in your kitchen preparing fresh, whole foods and sampling these heart-healthy herbs and spices.

The post How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally appeared first on LewRockwell.

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