Hungary set to reject Merkel’s refugee quotas in ‘existential’ referendum

‘Hungarians are set to overwhelmingly reject Brussels-imposed quotas obliging the country to accommodate asylum seekers from outside Europe in a vote that is not just about specific refugee allocations, but also the general policies of Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
“Do you want the European Union to be able to mandate the obligatory resettlement of non-Hungarian citizens into Hungary even without the approval of the National Assembly?” reads the question put to over 8 million voters during a national referendum on Sunday.
Polls conducted throughout the last month showed that fewer than 10 percent of Hungarians accept the unilateral resettlement of migrants coming through Greece and Italy, which was agreed to by a majority decision of EU foreign ministers a year ago, having been proposed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.’
Read more: Hungary set to reject Merkel’s refugee quotas in ‘existential’ referendum

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