In Leaked Speech, Clinton Promises Bankers To Stand Against Marijuana Legalization ‘In All Senses Of The Word’

‘WikiLeaks has arguably been the most important thing that has happened to elections, if not the veneer of democracy, in quite a long time. We’ve been able to see the true side of politicians and bureaucrats like never before.
In Hillary Clinton, we see a figure beholden to Wall St., working diligently to advance the influence of financial corporations over government policy and taxpayer money. Her mega-donor list is a who’s who of megabanks that also happened to benefit from the TARP government bailout.
In return for their money, Clinton gave speeches to Wall St. giants behind closed doors between 2013 and 2015. She told Goldman Sachs she was “far removed” from ordinary people and that “you need both a public and a private position.”’
Read more: In Leaked Speech, Clinton Promises Bankers To Stand Against Marijuana Legalization ‘In All Senses Of The Word’

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