Indigenous Peoples Demand ‘Deeds, Not Words’ from Justin Trudeau in Actions Across Canada

‘Today, Indigenous communities in rural areas and cities across Canada and the United States are rallying to demand that Justin Trudeau’s Liberal commit to real action and respect for Indigenous rights.
More than a dozen actions are happening around the country alongside others in the United States, including a round-dance in Toronto, a picnic for the Peace River in Vancouver, a healing ceremony at the site of Muskrat Falls in Newfoundland/Labrador, and rallies in Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, and northern Ontario.
The actions come on the heels of Trudeau back-tracking on a pledge to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), approving mega-projects like the Site C dam, the Petronas LNG terminal, and promoting tar sands pipelines, maintaining discrimination against First Nations children on reserves, and continuing policies that deny the land rights of Indigenous peoples.’
Read more: Indigenous Peoples Demand ‘Deeds, Not Words’ from Justin Trudeau in Actions Across Canada

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