Internet of Things believed to be targeted in massive DDoS attacks

‘Dyn DNS, the internet traffic management company hit by DDoS attacks Friday which affected more than 80 popular websites, says it believes that smart devices such as webcams and thermostats were infiltrated to carry out the attacks.
Scores of websites including PayPal, Reddit, Amazon, Spotify and Twitter were unavailable Friday as three separate distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks disrupted the New Hampshire based server’s operations.
A DDoS attack occurs when a server is overwhelmed with traffic in a targeted attack. In this case, it’s believed that Internet of Things devices, which covers any object with an internet connection, were hit.
Dyn DNS believes tens of millions of these connected devices, including surveillance cameras, webcams and smart thermostats were infected with malware.’
Read more: Internet of Things believed to be targeted in massive DDoS attacks

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