Leaked emails expose Coca-Cola’s political strategy: a propaganda front against public health and soda taxes

‘A treasure trove of emails released by hactivist site DC Leaks reveals that corporate giant Coca-Cola has launched a worldwide campaign to stop the imposition of soda taxes that many believe could help curb consumption of sugary drinks that contribution to obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.
Ninjas For Health is reporting via Medium that hacked internal company emails show that the effort is massive and coordinated, taking aim at public policy initiatives at the local, state, national and international levels.
The emails show exchanges between Coca-Cola vice president Michael Goltzman and Capricia Marshall, a long-time Clinton operative who is currently working as a communications consultant for both Coca-Cola and the presidential campaign of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.’
Read more: Leaked emails expose Coca-Cola’s political strategy: a propaganda front against public health and soda taxes

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