Lessons From That Multi-Million Dollar Heist

Make no mistake, anyone held at gunpoint is living through one of their worst nightmares. That nightmare came true for Kim Kardashian West when she was recently held at gunpoint and robbed by masked criminals pretending to be police officers. While the criminals spoke mostly French when they broke into the private apartment, they also screamed, “Ring!” “Ring!”, referring to the 20 carat diamond ring estimated at 5 million dollars that her husband, Kanye West had given to her, and one they most likely saw on her Twitter feed. In addition to her ring, the robbers stole other jewels in the heist estimating to be over $10 million dollars in stolen jewels. Two cell phones were also taken that could prove to be a disaster in and of itself due to the stored information, contacts, and photos.

Courtesy of Instagram/kimkardashian

“[Kim] was tied up, and gagged with duct tape wrapped around her head. They put plastic ties around her wrists but she managed to squeeze her hands out of the wrist ties by wriggling her hands,” a source says.

4 Costly Security Mistakes Kim Kardashian’s Team Made

I get that in Kardashian’s case being a celebrity makes it difficult, but if we are trying to learn from her situation, when we are out in public areas perhaps we can leave the expensive handbag or flashy jewelry at home and try to blend in more. I’ve seen countless women dressed to the nines with expensive bags and jewelry in shopping centers during the holiday season. This is absolutely the worst time to get dressed up. Folks, when you are in a highly populated area, do not bring attention to yourself by wearing expensive fashion items. Save it for another time!

3. Security layers are the key. It must be said that Mrs. West always has a highly trained security detail around her, but perhaps enough security layers were not met in this case. The night of the robbery, her bodyguard was not present and in six minutes, the worst-case scenario went down. If someone is tracking a victim they look for an opportunity and take it. As well, perhaps Kardashian fell victim to a classic case of cognitive dissonance. As a high profile celebrity, they know that danger can lurk around any corner, yet she didn’t think it would happen to her or felt the security was adequately handled.

Her security guard was there to protect her, yet he left her side and went to a nightclub to help protect Kardashian’s sisters.  The security detail dropped the ball in this case and handled the situation a little too relaxed, thus giving the criminals the opportunity they were waiting for. As well, there probably were not enough security layers insulating her from harm’s way.

To learn from this, we know that home break-ins have increased throughout the years. Having multiple security layers present can better protect homeowners from danger. Here’re a few ways you can add to layers to secure your home.

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The post Lessons From That Multi-Million Dollar Heist appeared first on LewRockwell.

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