Mainstream media silent as CDC documents prove link between autism and vaccination

‘The mainstream media plays a key role in protecting and furthering the interests of powerful corporate entities, including those that make up the pharmaceutical industry, Big Agriculture, Big Oil and other massively profitable business sectors.
They do so by over-reporting and fear-mongering, as exemplified by the current Zika virus scare, but they also do the bidding of their corporate masters by under-reporting, ignoring and burying stories that might threaten their profit margins or even put them out of business altogether.
Such is the case regarding thimerosal (a vaccine additive which contains as much as 50 percent mercury) and its link to cases of autism in children. It’s true that most people have at least heard something regarding the issue, but all one ever sees in the mainstream news are denials that there is a link, and reassurances by federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that the mercury added to vaccines poses no risk to children.’
Read more: Mainstream media silent as CDC documents prove link between autism and vaccination

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