Obama urged to block extradition of autistic British hacker Lauri Love

‘British lawmakers are calling on US President Barack Obama to halt the extradition of Lauri Love, an autistic computer hacker, who faces up to 99 years in prison for illegally accessing US government networks.
Some 105 cross-party MPs signed an open letter urging Obama to consider Love’s “significant mental health issues,” which include Asperger syndrome, depression and episodes of psychosis.
If extradited, the 31-year-old will be the first UK-based computer hacker to be sent to the US for prosecution.
Love, from Suffolk in southern England, is accused of taking part in a string of protest hacking attacks on the US, including intercepting online systems operated by the Fed, NASA, the FBI, the US Department of Defense and the US Environmental Protection Agency, among others.’
Read more: Obama urged to block extradition of autistic British hacker Lauri Love

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