Pentagon admits using 60,000+ soldiers, mainly of colour, in horrifying military experiments
‘Tens of millions of Americans are put off by so-called “Black Lives Matter” protests and other racially-charged demonstrations that have sprung up – largely in response to police shootings of black suspects, some of whom were unarmed. But the reality is, the U.S. government, as well as the Democratic Party that dominated elected and appointed offices in the 19th and 20th centuries, both have an undeniable history of discriminating against, and abusing, U.S. citizens of color.
That includes the military, reports True Activist, which noted recently that during World War II, the War Department (the predecessor to the Defense Department) used black troops as guinea pigs in dangerous experiments.
Though the Pentagon said in the early 1990s that enlisted troops during the war were used unwittingly as test subjects in military-led experiments, officials have since noted that some 60,000 troops – mostly soldiers of color – were used in chemical warfare experiments that have had lasting effects.’
Read more: Pentagon admits using 60,000+ soldiers, mainly of colour, in horrifying military experiments
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