Public Schools Legally Beating Children at Alarming Rate—Thousands of Kids Left Injured

‘A new report, analyzing data from the U.S. Department of Education, shows that a shocking level of corporal punishment — where school personnel physically strike a child — is still being carried out in public schools.
The Society for Research in Child Development reported that more than 160,000 children were subject to corporal punishment in one year, in the 19 states which have not banned the practice. The report represents “the first-ever effort to describe the prevalence of and disparities in the use of school corporal punishment at the school and school-district levels.”
Most of this barbarity is carried out in southeastern states, and there appears to be a great deal of prejudice. In many states, children with disabilities were 50% more likely to receive corporal punishment than non-disabled children.’
Read more: Public Schools Legally Beating Children at Alarming Rate—Thousands of Kids Left Injured

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