Putin, Merkel, Hollande & Poroshenko to discuss Ukraine crisis at Berlin meeting

‘The leaders of Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine are to discuss the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine in Berlin on Wednesday. The ‘Normandy Four’ initially brokered a ceasefire for Ukraine in February 2015, but it was never fully implemented.
The meeting on Wednesday will be the first time Russian President Vladimir Putin has visited the German capital since the political crisis in Ukraine began in 2014. He will discuss the situation in the struggling country with host Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and Ukraine’s leader, Petro Poroshenko.
“It’s been a month since the meeting in Paris. The work of aides has shown that it is time to compare notes, and that is what will happen,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said ahead of the meeting.’
Read more: Putin, Merkel, Hollande & Poroshenko to discuss Ukraine crisis at Berlin meeting

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