Rise of the Alpha Return of the Tribe

They say that Lysander the Spartan, whom I have mentioned before, used to remark that Sparta was the most dignified home for old age; for that nowhere was more respect paid to years, nowhere was old age held in higher honour. Nay, the story is told of how when a man of advanced years came into the theatre at Athens when the games were going on, no place was given him anywhere in that large assembly by his own countrymen; but when he came near the Lacedæmonians, who as ambassadors had a fixed place assigned to them, they rose as one man out of respect for him, and gave the veteran a seat. When they were greeted with rounds of applause from the whole audience, one of them remarked: “The Athenians know what is right, but will not do it.” – Cicero 

Are you an Athenian or a Spartan? Choose.


“Sat srī akāl”. I said as I reached out and took the hand of the Sikh elder standing in front of me. His partner, a large looking Indian in a turban and beard stood next to him quietly watching us interact.

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We chatted for a bit more and then moved towards my office. His companion followed quietly as we spoke. “How are your children?” he asked me as we settled in the area outside my office door.

“They’re well Harjit, thank you. How is a business?” I replied. Harjit is an older man and an established entrepreneur in the region. He owns a number of businesses and is well known not just amongst his own people but to the rest of the city as well. He is a leader in his community and the head of a large family. He frequents our business only once or twice a year but the rest of his clan, which is extensive, are here regularly.

“Business is good Francis. I see new faces here. Things must be well for you too?” he asked.

“They are steady, thank you,” I replied. This is a good, neutral answer. Sikhs, like many others, love to negotiate. If things are going too swimmingly they expect more of me. If things are simply steady they will not press as hard. They want me to do well and be successful but will always push for more if they think I can afford it. Coming to middle ground has not always been easy because we are from different tribes but we are both business men and alphas so there are honor and respect between us and as such doing business together has become easier with time. It is a good and honorable relationship that I have come to value and appreciate.

“Francis, this is my cousin’s son, Raj.” I shook the big man’s hand. I guessed he was about twenty-five to thirty years old or so and about 6’4″ tall. “He needs your help with a few things. I trust you will take care of him.”

“Of course,” I replied.

Over the years I have lost track of how many of Harjit’s friends and family have become my clients. One of my favorite customers was one of his nephews. When he walked through my door for the first time he could not have been much older than nineteen or twenty. He introduced himself to me and told me who his uncle was. He followed it up with: “If you could give me a bit of a deal I’d appreciate it. My uncle says I’m not allowed to go anywhere else.” I laughed and took care of him as was expected. Their honor and mine demanded no less.

As the fourth turning progress and our nation states further, deteriorate I believe that men such as Harjit will find themselves cast in an ever evolving roll in regions such as ours. Whether they realize it or not as political borders falter, whether due to economics or social instability, those with the strongest bonds in terms of clan and tribe are the most likely to weather the coming storm. Those at the head of these clans and tribes will emerge as new political leaders, the old guard having been cast aside as the result of fallout in a sociopolitical environment turned upside down.

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