Socialism’s Community Organizers

Back in the 1980s, some conservatives began distinguishing between old-school, New Deal welfare statists like a Ted Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey or a Lyndon Johnson and the “Lunatic Left,” the hardcore Marxist Left that had emerged from the universities in the 1960s.  The former group “only” wanted to tax and regulate capitalism; the latter group wanted to destroy it and replace it with as much totalitarian government control and domination that they could get away with in American society.  They wanted the Sovietization of America, in other words.  Indeed, many of them traveled to the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and other socialist hellholes and returned to write books and articles about what a great utopia they had witnessed, as documented in the book Political Pilgrims by Paul Hollander.  Unlike the old New Deal Cold Warriors, they were anything but anti-communist.

James Bennett and I wrote a 560-page book, published in 1985, entitled Destroying Democracy: How Government Funds Partisan Politics that discusses many of these characters, including one Robert Creamer, who has been all over the news recently for being videotaped bragging about how he orchestrates election fraud for the Democratic Party (See “Project Veritas”).  The book was about the illegal use of tax dollars to subsidize mostly (but not exclusively) left-wing political pressure groups.  The government gives them tax dollars under some noble-sounding guise like fighting poverty, helping the elderly, etc.; they use the tax dollars to lobby and agitate for bigger government, more regulation, and higher taxes instead; when they succeed the government then shares the loot with them and the cycle repeats itself.  And it is all illegal.

  • Tampa, Florida was sued to prevent the city schools’ requirement of a functional literacy test as a condition of graduation from high school.
  • Numerous lawsuits sought to give alcoholics Supplemental Social Security benefits.
  • One lawsuit sought “disability payments” for homosexuals under the assumption that homosexuality was a “disability.”
  • Schools in Newburg, New York were forced to make expulsions subject to racial quotas.
  • An LSC lawsuit prevented a Connecticut “workfare” program from suspending welfare payments to able-bodied people who simply refused to look for work.
  • In addition to all of this, Republican members of the U.S. Senate Labor and Human Resources committee found that millions of dollars were also diverted for left-wing political “training” and “legislative advocacy” during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as chairman of the board of the LSC.  The LSC was funneling taxpayers’ funds to all the Alinsky-style political rabble-rousing groups.  This occurred despite the fact that Congress had passed a law stipulating that no LSC funds may be used “to support or conduct training programs for the purpose of advocating particular public policies or encouraging political activities . . .”  (Section 1007(b)(6) of the Legal Services Corporation Act of 1974 [42U.S.C. Section 2996f(a)(5).  So we had a Yale Law School educated lawyer in charge of the government’s Legal Services Corporation blatantly and knowingly breaking the law.

    Such behavior is a chief characteristic of all Lunatic Leftists:  a sanctimonious belief that they are above the law; that they have a “right” to rule over all of our lives; and that their ends justify any means.  It is this totalitarian mindset that distinguishes them from the old-guard Democratic Party of Hubert Humphrey, “Scoop” Jackson, and even Ted Kennedy (who was always primarily interested in boozing and womanizing anyway).  Should Hillary Clinton be elected president, she can be expected to thumb her nose at anyone who criticizes her for employing dozens of Van Jones style “community organizers” in her administration as “czars” in charge of regulating and regimenting more and more of American society.  The Lunatic Left will have assumed governmental powers that have accumulated over the past several hundred years.

    The post Socialism’s Community Organizers appeared first on LewRockwell.

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