South Africans Rise In Support Of The Monsanto Tribunal: Crimes Against Humanity, Human Rights Violations And Ecocide

‘Over the Weekend of 14 – 16 October, South Africans will be joining their voices in a call against Agro chemical Giant Monsanto and others like them, in support of the international Tribunal in the Hague.
With organic markets, seed swaps, garden project initiatives, celebrating organic farmers, talks by doctors in the field, environmental lawyers, practicing permaculture implementers, environmental activists, parents, teachers, farmers, farm workers who have either been drastically effected, seen the effects of or who are working on the solutions to the problems which these agro chemical companies have caused in our country.’
Read more: South Africans Rise In Support Of The Monsanto Tribunal: Crimes Against Humanity, Human Rights Violations And Ecocide

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