Spain, The Dice Are Cast, Another Parliamentary Coup Instigated from Outside

‘Last December I wrote an article entitled “Spain has Fallen – not Like Greece – but Fallen all the Same”. The article was first published on 22 December 2015, two days after the Spanish elections. It analyzed the results of the elections then and concluded that they were a fraud and that the outcome was prepared by long arms, some two years in advance, to make sure another ‘Greece’ could be avoided, lest Spain might break-up the EU and particularly the Eurozone.
Now that the dice are cast, the fraud is confirmed. During the more than 300 days ‘without’ a government, the MSM touted the without to frighten the Spanish public into believing it was a shame to be without a government for so long. Now, probably close to a majority of the Spanish public, believe it’s a good thing that finally a decision was reached and the country will have again a government, never mind the disaster course already predicted.’
Read more: Spain, The Dice Are Cast, Another Parliamentary Coup Instigated from Outside

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