Stuck on Stupid: Why is America Starting WW3?

Every day the world moves closer to a nuclear winter. The finger on the trigger presses upon the button and only a slight movement will launch unthinkable destruction.
The point that it is so unthinkable yet so close to happening is caused by the overwhelming denial that Americans have towards the real nature of international brinksmanship. The United State foreign policy for global dominance cannot be defended as a righteous imperative. Those who naively believe that NATO occupies the high moral ground are just as confused as the dupes that cheer the dough boys or the GI’s in the previous two world wars.
The difference in the coming end of days is not that the foolish deployments and menacing circumstances are not known, but that the ultimate consequences and inevitable desolation is simply ignored. When a nation is oblivious to the lessons of history and the reality of insane actions, a rational foreign policy becomes the first causality of national security.
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