The West’s ‘Weaponization’ Of Corruption Indexes: Thailand Categorized as a Corrupt Failed State
‘For the Southeast Asian state of Thailand, overcoming corruption could be one of several essential steps required to fully tap the human and natural resources this already influential ASEAN state has benefited from for centuries. However, to tackle corruption, the nation must first define what it is, and what it hopes to achieve by confronting and overcoming it.
Currently, the focus unfortunately appears to be on addressing Thailand’s score upon the so-called Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) put out by alleged nongovernmental organisation (NGO), Transparency International.
Despite describing itself as an NGO, Transparency International’s funding is dominated by the governments of the United States and the European Union.’
Read more: The West’s ‘Weaponization’ Of Corruption Indexes: Thailand Categorized as a Corrupt Failed State
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