This Natural Disaster Assistance Law Is Why Other States Are Policing Dakota Access Pipeline Protests

‘Almost exactly 20 years ago, President Bill Clinton signed into law a bill creating an interstate agreement for emergency management. That inconspicuous law has opened the door for the current flood of out-of-state law enforcement agents present at the continuing protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) in North Dakota.
The Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) authorized states to enter into agreements with other states in order to share emergency management–related personnel during crisis situations. One of the only other times this compact was deployed outside of a natural disaster was for the Black Lives Matter protests in Baltimore after the death of Freddie Gray.
DeSmog reviews the use of this controversial authorization below. News is just breaking now that police are removing protesters at the site right now.’
Read more: This Natural Disaster Assistance Law Is Why Other States Are Policing Dakota Access Pipeline Protests

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