To Help Haiti, Don’t Donate to American Red Cross: Haitians

‘Haitians shared a 2015 report showing how the U.S.-based organization wasted half a billion dollars of relief after the 2010 Haiti earthquake.
As U.S. President Barack Obama urged people to donate to the American Red Cross to help Haiti amid Hurricane Matthew, Haitians took to social media over the weekend to urge people to do the opposite, pointing to how the organization was accused of squandering more than US$500 million in aid to the country in 2010.
“In the coming days, many of you are going to write and ask me how you can ‘help Haiti’,” A woman from Haiti said in a Facebook Post earlier this week. “Here are my suggestions: 1. Don’t give the American Red Cross. Nope. But… Nah.”’
Read more: To Help Haiti, Don’t Donate to American Red Cross: Haitians

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