Ukraine’s gas monopoly to demand $2.6billion from Russia for Crimean assets

‘Ukraine’s national oil and gas company Naftogaz and its six subsidiaries are planning to sue Russia for the loss of assets in the Crimea, according to a statement released by the group.
“Naftogaz has preliminarily estimated the damage to the group at $2.6 billion,” the company says, stressing that the claim includes property of Naftogaz, Chornomornaftogaz, Ukrtransgaz, Ukrgazvydobuvannia, Ukrtransnafta, Gaz Ukrainy and Likvo. Naftogaz claims the seizure of Crimean energy assets owned by the group violates the bilateral agreement on promotion and mutual protection of investments, signed by the two governments.’
Read more: Ukraine’s gas monopoly to demand $2.6billion from Russia for Crimean assets

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