Violent crowd attacks, insults homeless woman guarding Trump’s Hollywood star

‘A black homeless woman guarding Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star was the victim of violent harassment by an anti-Trump crowd. Videos of the abuse show people yelling at the woman and knocking her to the ground as the insults continue.
A number of videos titled ‘Crazy 4 Trump’ posted on YouTube show a crowd of people surrounding the woman as she holds up banners in support for the Republican presidential nominee. Her hand-written signs promote pro-Trump messages like “Twenty million illegals and Americans sleep on the streets in tents” and “Donald Trump – keeping it real”.
Some of the banners included provocative language, including one targeting the US president, reading, “Obama threw our black asses under the bus, he owes the Clintons, flip this script (get off the Clinton plantation).”’

Read more: Violent crowd attacks, insults homeless woman guarding Trump’s Hollywood star 

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