Who Was Behind the 2008 Financial Crash? US Aristocracy’s Immunity From Prosecution. Proposal to Hold Top Level Wall Street ‘Crooks’ Accountable

‘For the very first time, on October 25th, a high federal official, the “SIGTARP” or Special Inspector General for the TARP program that bailed out the largest financial institutions and their top investors after the 2008 economic crash, is now making a specific proposal to hold the top-level crooks accountable for the incentive-systems they had put into place motivating their employees to pump-and-dump ‘investments’ during the growth-phase of the ‘free market’ Ponzi game that existed since 2000 when the end of the FDR-era Glass-Steagall Act and the start of totally unregulated financial marketeering went wild after 2005 and came crashing down in 2008.’
Read more: Who Was Behind the 2008 Financial Crash? US Aristocracy’s Immunity From Prosecution. Proposal to Hold Top Level Wall Street ‘Crooks’ Accountable

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