Witch hunt launched against California doctor who provided vaccine exemptions

‘A Southern California pediatrician recently made national headlines after signing off on a vaccine exemption for a 2-year-old patient of his who developed a severe reaction to childhood vaccines. The exemption will protect the boy from ever having to receive “mandatory” vaccinations in the future, a move that’s provoked the wrath of California’s Medical Board.
Dr. Bob Sears has long been an outspoken critic of mandatory vaccination laws, as he’s witnessed many a child suffer adverse effects from childhood vaccines. Dr. Sears is among the more cooperative element of mainstream medicine that, rather than try to coerce his patients into maintaining the status quo, actually respects the right of parents to choose whether or not to vaccinate their own children; he isn’t afraid of letting his patients “opt out” of the vaccine program, in other words.’
Read more: Witch hunt launched against California doctor who provided vaccine exemptions 

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