Worst disaster in Haiti since 2010 earthquake: Storm leaves 340 dead as it approaches US

‘The death toll in Haiti from Hurricane Matthew has gone up to 339 with authorities saying it’s the largest humanitarian event witnessed since the earthquake six years ago.
Authorities in Haiti have reported 339 deaths, Reuters reports, citing local officials. Many of the deaths were caused by falling trees or other debris. The Caribbean nation has been the hardest hit by the hurricane, suffering the most casualties and severe structural damage. The storm has destroyed more than 3,200 homes, displaced 15,000 people and decimated plantations and livestock.
“Haiti is facing the largest humanitarian event witnessed since the earthquake six years ago,” said Mourad Wahba, the UN special representative for Haiti, as quoted in USA Today.’

Read more: Worst disaster in Haiti since 2010 earthquake: Storm leaves 340 dead as it approaches US

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