100 far-right protesters attack migrant center in French village

‘Some 100 far-right protesters rallied in the French village of Arzon on Monday night, breaking down the door of the migrant center there. It comes after a sexual assault on a local 67-year-old woman by a South Sudanese refugee.
Police arrested several protesters after they managed to get into the center, and had to stand guard near the building, local newspaper Ouest-France reported.
The demonstration was staged by far-right groups, with few local residents taking part.’
Read more: 100 far-right protesters attack migrant center in French village

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100 far-right protesters attack migrant center in French village

‘Some 100 far-right protesters rallied in the French village of Arzon on Monday night, breaking down the door of the migrant center there. It comes after a sexual assault on a local 67-year-old woman by a South Sudanese refugee.
Police arrested several protesters after they managed to get into the center, and had to stand guard near the building, local newspaper Ouest-France reported.
The demonstration was staged by far-right groups, with few local residents taking part.’
Read more: 100 far-right protesters attack migrant center in French village

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