30GB Bradley Foundation Data Hack Reveals $150 Million Hillary Campaign Donation


‘The Hacker Group Anonymous has just released 30 Gigabytes of data it claims was hacked from the Bradley Foundation which apparently serves as a money laundering front between the Rothschild Asset management, Inc.and the Hillary Clinton campaign through the Clinton Foundation.
And to nip any complaints about the Rothschilds conspiracy, Hillary discusses here ties in a Wall Street speech to Deutsche Bank just released by WikiLeaks:
“We heard a similar point from a more global perspective this spring at a conference in London on inclusive capitalism organized by my friend, Lynn Rothschild, who’s here with us tonight. Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, offered what we in America might call straight talk about how the financial industry has lost its way and how to earn back public confidence.”’
Read more: 30GB Bradley Foundation Data Hack Reveals $150 Million Hillary Campaign Donation

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