A Global Shock to A Dead System

The stunning election victory of Donald Trump on Tuesday can only be properly understood in the context of global developments that all reflect a powerful popular repudiation of the system of war and usury that has dominated the trans-Atlantic region for the past sixteen years of the Bush and Obama presidencies. This revolt is international in character, and was reflected in June of this year when British voters rejected the European Union in the Brexit referendum. There are reflections of this revolt in Germany, where the Merkel government’s anti-Russia policies are running up against a wall of opposition, including from leading German industrial circles that see trade and cooperation with Russia as an existential requirement.

The pattern extends beyond the significance of the U.S. events alone, which is not to diminish in the least the significance of the revolt of the American electorate against the Wall Street-Washington Establishment. A sizable number of American voters saw Hillary Clinton as a continuity of the bad old policies of the past 16 years, and they furthermore saw her as someone who would bring about a war with Russia that could mean the end of life on this planet as we know it.

The Trump vote was a vote against the danger of war, which came increasingly to be associated with Hillary Clinton’s anti-Putin diatribes throughout the campaign. It was a vote for an overhaul of U.S. economic policies, starting with the reinstatement of Glass Steagall bank separation, which Trump openly embraced during a major campaign speech in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he also warned that Hillary Clinton would start World War III if elected.

The mandate from November 8 is for a renewal of traditional American policies and values, starting with a revival of the real economy, through capital investment in infrastructure and industrial reconstruction.

LaRouchePAC’s special, post-election webcast from November 9, featuring remarks from Lyndon and Helga Zepp-LaRouche.

Lyndon and Helga LaRouche delivered a strong message in a dialogue with colleagues on Nov. 9, which was broadcast on LPAC-TV as a special post-election webcast. Mr. LaRouche called for a New Deal for the Universe, which involves a revival of the U.S. space program, in partnership with nations like China, which have continued with mankind’s extra-terrestrial imperative, as the United States, under President Barack Obama, effectively shut down the once great U.S. space program. Both Lyndon and Helga LaRouche emphasized that the moment has arrived, where mankind must look beyond mere national interests to the interests of mankind as a whole. “We need to reach out to see mankind in a broader light, by extending the power of mankind into the universe,” Mr. LaRouche declared.

There is a global movement in the direction of such profound ideas and challenges. It is reflected in the Chinese leadership in space exploration, and in the growing Chinese-Russian-Indian collaboration on the development of the Eurasian region through great infrastructure projects. It is only in the context of those global, profound changes that the full import of Tuesday’s vote can be properly situated. The repudiation of the old, dying system by an outpouring of American voters is a starting point, but no guarantee. That will take work, but the path has been launched.

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