Always Have a Defensive Weapon Quickly Accessible

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USA – The Journal News in Hamilton, Ohio reports 11-02- 2016 an 88-year-old resident had just finished washing his car in the front yard of his home Tuesday night when a man and a woman cornered him.

They demanded money and forced him into the house.

Once inside the victim said they hit him in the face and in the chest. He thought he was going to be severely beaten. The male robber taunted him “You don’t have a gun, do you?”

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Actually the elderly resident’s gun had been stolen a month earlier, but he had purchased a .38 special to replace it. While the female accomplice was in the kitchen, the victim was able to get his gun from a coffee table drawer.

He shot the male robber as he stood by the door counting the money he had taken from his victim’s wallet. The victim aimed for his leg and shot him. The female accomplice yelled that she was afraid the now armed victim was going to shoot her too. He told her, “You get your ass out of here and I won’t shoot you” and the criminals fled.

The suspects took the man’s cell phone, home phone and wallet. They had unhooked the television, but the male half got shot before they were able to take it. The elderly victim’s cell phone was later found by police several blocks away. Hamilton Police detectives said the investigation is ongoing.


A defensive firearm, quickly accessible in the living room, saved this victim’s life. One would not expect any 88 year old to survive a physical beat down. Hopefully there is enough physical evidence available to allow a quick apprehension. The cowardly animals that attack such elderly victims really need to be off the street.

The victim was apparently cool, calm and experienced enough to intend a non-lethal shot. Amazing! The criminal’s comment about the victim indicates that he was perhaps the burglar who stole it previously.

He obviously didn’t feel comfortable taking a life. Many would argue that was a mistake but it’s unfair to second guess victims who were in the situation. It was a choice that is only his to make.

Reprinted with permission from

The post Always Have a Defensive Weapon Quickly Accessible appeared first on LewRockwell.

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