Amazon Worker Jumps off 12-Story Building After Being Put on Big-Brother-Like ‘Performance Improvement Plan’


‘An Amazon worker was injured in a suicide attempt after jumping off a 12-story company building in Seattle, reports Bloomberg.
Authorities did not release the identity of the man, but the story indicates he wrote an email before he tried to kill himself. The email was visible to hundreds of other Amazon workers, and to company CEO Jeff Bezos. The man had recently requested a move to a different department, but was put on a deceptively harmless-sounding “performance improvement plan” or PIP.
In 2014 a former Amazon employee wrote to Gawker about these euphemistic corporate tools. “I would not want such a thing to happen even to my enemy,” wrote the worker, who broke down the details of PIPs:’
Read more: Amazon Worker Jumps off 12-Story Building After Being Put on Big-Brother-Like ‘Performance Improvement Plan’

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