Another Lost US Nuclear Bomb

The Royal Canadian Navy is to send investigators to examine a ‘mystery object’ found by a diver which could be a nuclear bomb lost in the early days of the Cold War.

Sean Smyrichinsky found the object while diving near Banks Island, a site close to the location of the US bomber crash of 1950, after which the Mark IV bomb was lost.

The bomb was lost on February 14 when a Convair B-36 crashed in northern British Colombia on its way to Texas from Alaska.

Mr Smyrichinsky told CBC news: ‘I got a little far from my boat and I found something that I’d never ever seen before.

‘It resembled, like, a bagel cut in half, and then around the bagel these bolts molded into it.

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‘I came out from the dive and I came up and I started telling my crew, “My god, I found a UFO. I found the strangest thing I’d ever seen!”‘

Sean Smyrichinsky found a mystery object while diving in northern Canada and believes it could be the missing Mark IV bomber, one of which is pictured above

Sean Smyrichinsky found a mystery object while diving in northern Canada and believes it could be the missing Mark IV bomber, one of which is pictured above

Mr. Smyrichinsky said he asked around and was told the story of the lost bomb, and when he looked at pictures of the Mark IV, he realised it was very similar to the object he had seen.

The plane crashed after three of its six engines began shooting flames and the other three were unable to power the plane with its heavy load.

The pilot flew over Princess Royal Island so the crew would not have to bail out over the North Pacific, and set the plane on a path towards the ocean.

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