Are the Voting Machines Being Rigged By George Soros?

‘Of all of the nefarious schemes and stunts with the potential to change the outcome of the upcoming presidential election, perhaps none is so threatening or consequential as the possibility that electronic voting machines in as many as 15 states could be rigged to ensure that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is the winner.
Many of the machines in question are made by a private company called Smartmatic Corporation, a company that claims to be based in the United Kingdom but is controlled through holding companies in Venezuela, Barbados and the Netherlands.
The founders of the company are Venezuelan, which is not a coincidence, given that the machines were used in a number of massive landslide elections in that country when President Hugo Chavez was reelected in that country in the 2000s.’
Read more: Are the Voting Machines Being Rigged By George Soros?

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