Congress of Peruvian Economists Issues Conclusions: “We share Zepp-LaRouche’s Perspective on World Development”

In a document summarizing the results of the Nov. 17-19 XXIII national congress of the Peruvian Association of Economists, Roberto Vela Pinedo, the Dean of the Association of Economists of Ucayali (which hosted the event), wrote:

“We economists of Peru, gathered in the city of Pucallpa, informing national and international public opinion of our position regarding the current situation of the country and the world, state the following:

“1) That, analyzing the keynote address presented to us by Dr. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, we share the perspective on world development that her message presented, and which can be seen at the following link:

Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s keynote address to the 23rd National Congress of the Association of Economists of Peru.

After this opening point of emphasis, Vela went on in his message — which was sent to all 24 regional Economists Associations in Peru, which have some 20,000 members — to write:

“6) To overcome this crisis, the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), led by China and Russia, proposed and initiated the construction of a new financial architecture directed at developing nations’ physical economies, in a sovereign relationship in which everyone wins (the `win-win’ [original in English—ed.] strategy, that demolishes the ancient regime’s zero-sum game, under which some win and others lose… Peru must join this process in order to achieve growth.

“7) We must restructure the state’s economic policy and replace the neoliberal model with a model of development of productive transformation with equity…

“8) We need to apply science, technology and innovation in our economic development, as the basis for being competitive…

“11) We must create a Ministry of Strategic Planning to formulate the vision of the country we wish to be… and have a new Ministry of Technology and Production…

“16) The first great step along the path of industrial development and the promotion of scientific and technological capabilities, is that Peru, as a paradigmatic example of this new sovereign relationship in which everyone wins (the `win-win’ strategy), should approve the proposal of the government of the Popular Republic of China to build a trans-continental railroad along the Northern Route, which would link the ports of Santos in Brazil and Bayovar in Peru, emphasizing the development of hundreds of complementary projects, such as: agriculture, agro-industry, manufacturing, fishing, ports, nuclear energy, petrochemicals, scientific and technological innovation, road infrastructure, the creation of new intelligent cities, and the creation of thousands of jobs, etc.

“After four days of deliberations, we have agreed to demand that the central government [of Peru] accept and promote the construction of this mega-project, given that it is the only one at this time focused on continental integration, and which already has a signed Memorandum of Understanding among the governments of the China, Brazil and Peru.” 


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