Cops And Big Pharma Shamefully And Quietly Kill Legislation Allowing CBD Oil For Epileptic Kids

‘Idaho is having a hard time letting go of Reefer Madness. Despite being bordered by four states with legal medical cannabis, Idaho’s prohibition is so complete that it crushes the hopes of kids suffering from epileptic seizures.
An investigation by Eric Boehm at found that “cops, prosecutors, and lobbyists conspired to restrict a promising cannabis-derived seizure treatment.”
In Idaho, a bill to allow people like Josh Phillips to access CBD oil was passed by the state legislature in 2015, only to be defeated by a group of powerful special interests—including cops, prosecutors, and pharmaceutical companies—with direct access to policy makers in Boise.’
Read more: Cops And Big Pharma Shamefully And Quietly Kill Legislation Allowing CBD Oil For Epileptic Kids

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