Corrupt democrats complain: All disclosures that hurt Clinton are ‘trying to influence the election,’ and therefore shouldn’t be covered by the media

‘If anything, this presidential election cycle has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that there is a clear double standard when it comes to the media. How the so-called “establishment” media does and does not report depends on which party the candidate belongs to.
And to that end, clearly the establishment media have done all they can to protect and defend the most criminally corrupt candidate vying for the nation’s highest office in the history of our republic: Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
A letter to the editors of the Denver Post sums this up.
The writer, Roger Yates from Aurora, says that no one should cast a ballot for Clinton until they’ve read all of the leaked emails that have been published by WikiLeaks.’
Read more: Corrupt democrats complain: All disclosures that hurt Clinton are ‘trying to influence the election,’ and therefore shouldn’t be covered by the media 

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