Damian Green says government’s benefits cap is a ‘real success’

‘The work and pensions secretary, Damian Green, has said the government’s benefits cap, which will be lowered from Monday, costing almost 90,000 of Britain’s poorest families more than £2,000 a year, is a “real success”.
Campaigners, including some backbench Conservative MPs concerned about the impact on their constituents, are putting pressure on Green to mitigate the planned reductions.
But in a statement to mark the lowering of the cap to £23,000 a year per household in London and £20,000 elsewhere, Green praised the policy.
“By making sure that those people who are out of work are faced with the same choices as those who are in work, the benefit cap has been a real success,” he said.’
Read more: Damian Green says government’s benefits cap is a ‘real success’

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