‘Error of judgement’: White Helmets apologize for war zone ‘mannequin challenge’. No, they’re just sorry they got caught doing what they do all the time

‘The ‘White Helmets’ Syrian civil defense group have distanced themselves from a viral ‘mannequin challenge’ video which led critics to raise serious questions about their work in the war-torn country.
The video depicted two members of the group assisting a man who was lying prostrate under rubble, apparently the victim of a bomb blast.
The man is covered in dust and appeared to be in great pain in the authentic-looking footage. However, the scene was staged – part of a mannequin challenge viral craze in which people freeze as if they are mannequins…
…The organization says it is non-partisan. However, critics have alleged it has connections to jihadist groups.’
Read more: ‘Error of judgement’: White Helmets apologize for war zone ‘mannequin challenge’. No, they’re just sorry they got caught doing what they do all the time

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