ET Disclosure Lite – Wikileaks and Other Admissions That We’re Not Alone

‘NASA Administrator, Major Charles Bolden once told school children that Area 51 did exist and that aliens had visited our planet, but that none of those aliens were hidden at the mysterious base in Nevada. Later, the exact location of Area 51 was revealed in government documents but there was still no mention of aliens. CIA spy planes then confirmed the location of Area 51, though the US government had denied its existence for over 40 years.
With the latest Wikileaks dumps, fueled by Julian Assange, and the testimony of numerous government officials at a congressional-style hearing, the question about aliens is rehashed, but is any new truth really revealed? Are the emails contained in the Wikileaks dumps new news, or is it something that insiders have been revealing to the public for decades now?’
Read more: ET Disclosure Lite – Wikileaks and Other Admissions That We’re Not Alone

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