Forced Medication In Prison: Suicides From Injections Of Psychiatric Drugs Go Unnoticed

‘In 2008, a man named Michael Heston hung himself in incarceration at Federal Medical Center in Rochester, Minnesota, after being forced to endure injections of psych meds involuntarily on a regular basis.
He wrote to a medical freedom advocacy group called Mind Freedom begging for help, saying “I live in mortal fear,” and “The needle has me terrified, they just keep sticking me every two weeks and I feel like death.”
Although the good people at Mind Freedom sent out a public request for help to assist him, the pain of this strange drug would eventually drive him to suicide, as certain psych meds including SSRI anti-depressants have been known to do.’

Read more: Forced Medication In Prison: Suicides From Injections Of Psychiatric Drugs Go Unnoticed

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