Government thinks Christians are ‘bonkers’ like jihadists, says Archbishop of Canterbury

‘Justin Welby, the Church of England’s most senior cleric, says the government has such a poor understanding of religion that it lumps jihadists and Anglican Christians into one group and considers them both “bonkers.”
Speaking to head teachers of Church of England schools, he said some government departments had a very poor grasp of religion.
“The Foreign Office, the Ministry of Defence, our government generally, is desperately trying to catch up, to understand a world in which they have no grip on what it is to be religious at all; where religious illiteracy is prevalent and extremely destructive of understanding and where they can’t see really the difference between an extremist Muslim group like the Muslim Brotherhood and a sort of conservative evangelical group in a Church of England church,” he said.’
Read more: Government thinks Christians are ‘bonkers’ like jihadists, says Archbishop of Canterbury

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