Greece’s Public Health Services on the Brink of Collapse

‘Employees at Public Hospitals warn: “Greece’s Public Health Services are on the brink of collapse” Six years of economic crisis, loan agreements, austerity cuts and freezing of new hiring threaten the primary care health care system. A report published by the Panhellenic Federation of Employees at Public Hospitals (POEDIN) draws a dire picture of the situation and furthermore blames the Health Ministry and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.
“They implement the bailout agreements by the book and dramatically shrink expenditure for the Public Health sector, thus awaiting from us to thank them for the nothing they offer instead of humbly apologize,” POEDIN stresses in a statement.
“Hospitals, medical centers, EKAV [ambulance services] are in a state of dissolution,” the statement warns, adding that the premier and Health Ministry officials will “soon have to answer for the destruction of ESY.”’
Read more: Greece’s Public Health Services on the Brink of Collapse

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