Hidden history: Energy drinks used to contain radioactive elements, were sold with claims of boosting performance

‘Every day millions of people consume so-called “energy” drinks so they can jump-start their day or keep alert throughout the day. But most have no idea the kind of poison they’re putting in their bodies.
Having said that, energy drinks today are nowhere nearly as hazardous as they were a century ago…when they contained real energy. As reported by IFLScience, the active ingredient in these drinks was radium – a radioactive element that sets free a packet of radiant energy with each atomic decay. And though the connection between ingesting a radioactive element and getting a resultant boost in energy is not proven by a long shot, that did not stop consumers in the early 1900s from ignoring the known consequences of drinking radioactive substances and risking their long-term health.’
Read more: Hidden history: Energy drinks used to contain radioactive elements, were sold with claims of boosting performance

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