Is Your VACCINATED Child A ‘Haz Mat’?

‘What a question to ask: Is your vaccinated child ‘hazardous material’? Wow!
However, that’s not flippant at all when one considers the amount of hazardous chemicals and toxic heavy metals being injected into infants starting at day one of life and then at every 2, 4 and 6 month ‘well baby’ visit to their pediatricians, who promote vaccines like they were ‘safe’.
It doesn’t stop there, either! All through childhood and into college years, children MUST receive vaccinations in order to attend day care, grade school, high school and college!
And, it doesn’t stop after that, as the CDC and the FDA are now mandating that all adults receive every vaccine that children receive, plus more! Check out how many new vaccines are in Big Pharma’s production pipeline and you will realize that soon you will have to be getting a vaccination a day!’

Read more: Is Your VACCINATED Child A ‘Haz Mat’?

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