Israeli minister’s gift gaffe leads to awkward standoff with Russians

‘Two incidents reeking of corruption have left Israel outraged over the past week. The first revolves around the acquisition of three new Dolphin submarines from Germany. Since the purchase was initiated and rammed through by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, it has come out that his personal attorney David Shimron, a member of the prime minister’s family, also represents the German shipbuilding firm in Israel.
The other issue is the investigation of a former senior member of the National Security Council who was reportedly on course to be appointed head of the council and national security adviser to the prime minister. This person, whose name is under a gag order for the moment, is suspected of accepting bribes and other benefits from a German businessman after vast reserves of natural gas were discovered off Israel’s coast and during the ensuing fight to develop them.’
Read more: Israeli minister’s gift gaffe leads to awkward standoff with Russians

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