Mankind’s Triumph, Obama’s Demise

By Dennis Speed

“Behold the Cranes of Ibycus!” – Friedrich Schiller, from the poem The Cranes of Ibycus

Although in less than 60 days the world will finally be liberated from the Presidency of Barack Obama, the best way for that Presidency to conclude would be with Obama’s impeachment. The covering up for the Saudi role in 9/11, the illegal war on Libya, the resultant 2012 Benghazi affair, the arming and supplying of terrorist factions such as al-Nusra through the “Syrian anti-Assad moderate” cover, all supply a competent basis for such an action. The reason for the impeachment, however, is that for every day that Obama is left even with a fraction of the power he once enjoyed, he is capable of both provoking and launching a thermonuclear war.

True, President-elect Trump has held phone discussions with both President Putin of Russia, and President Xi Jinping of China, which may have significantly addressed, if not lessened tensions, particularly with Russia. The fact that Trump has made clear throughout the campaign that he agrees with the “Allied coalition against international terrorism” orientation put forward by Vladimir Putin at the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations in September, 2015, is notable. A great weight—”a dead hand upon the brain of the living”—has been finally lifted from the minds of the American people.

Obama’s chosen successor, Hillary Clinton, has been defeated. The nightmare that began with the September 11, 2001 “Reichstag Fire” coup against the Constitution of the United States, and that was sustained through almost sixteen years, including those of the George W. Bush, and the derivative Obama Administrations, has been temporarily punctured. This is not due to the qualities of the candidate, Donald Trump, now the President-elect—though Trump’s successful candidacy was a significant factor. This was due to a force that Obama, his supporters, and his proxy candidate, Hillary Clinton, unleashed themselves, and still refuse to recognize. Obama, in denial, cannot believe that his own crimes—the defense of Wall Street, the assassination of Qaddafi, the Tuesday weekly killing sessions, the ignoring of the conditions of America’s inner cities—have returned to defeat him. He, not Hillary, was the cause of the defeat of the Democratic Party. “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” That force behind Obama’s defeat is called Nemesis.

It Weren’t Local

The forces that acted in the context of the American election, Lyndon LaRouche emphasized to his associates, cannot be competently understood within the United States as such. “[The election] was not national, it was international in its entire character. And that’s because Germany was big in this thing. Germany was a big factor in this thing. Putin was a big factor in this situation.

“So that’s the pattern. It’s not the pattern of local groups in the United States, though they have significance. But they are not something you can parcel out under categories. You have to see the larger total value. And that’ll become evident, once we start to treat the economy seriously. In other words, instead of trying to figure out how to get this particular product out in a certain way and so forth, the point is, you’re going to start on a global basis. What we’re dealing with is a global basis.

“Now, this has been the actual condition for some time. But it has not been evident because the people have not categorized these things in the proper way. What they’ve done is they’ve accurately looked for things that they think are important, and they {are} important; but the issue here that governs, is international, global…

“What you’re looking at is a breakdown of the entire previously existing area of life in the world. And when you see that, then you get the whole picture. I mean, the important thing on Germany—Germany was a big thing. Bill Clinton by himself was a crucial figure in this whole process. He set it up, in part.

“And so, you’ve got to look at this thing from the standpoint, not of what guy is important in this area or not; you’ve got to look at the overall picture, otherwise, you don’t get the right answer.”

If this assessment is understood, then the principle here called “Nemesis” is comprehended as a non-mystical, efficient acting principle in the current history—not the current event called the Presidential election—which has not just occurred, but is unfolding in unknown ways as you read this.

Warning Sign

Nemesis first appeared in the form of the September 28, 2016 override of Obama’s veto of the JASTA (Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act) bill. Weeks earlier, surprisingly, Obama had been forced to release the suppressed 28 pages of the Joint Congressional Intelligence Committee’s 2002 report on 9/11, pages of a the report which featured the long-denied role of Saudi Arabia in that attack. The Senate vote against the supposedly invincible veto of Obama on the JASTA legislation was a devastating and embarrassing 97-1 in favor of the override, with two abstentions—Bernie Sanders and Tim Kaine. The measure also passed by a hefty margin in the House of Representatives, and thus became law, despite Obama’s instructions to prevent that from occurring.

Obama, standing alone, was rebuffed, ignored.

Being Obama, however, he and his court chose in their hubris not to read the signs.

As the election campaign neared its end, and candidate Hillary Clinton became ever more bellicose toward Russia—calling for a no-fly zone over Syria, which could have provoked a direct military confrontation with the Russians, for example—Americans were deeply, though perhaps silently affected by the sheer lunacy of her approach. Even more evident to them was the arrogant disregard—by both Obama and Clinton—of the deteriorating American work-force, and of the “General Welfare” clause of the Constitution.

For Obama and his court the term “Rust Belt” carries no connotation, even after the election, of a national failure of his Presidency to restore the productive powers of labor of The United States, but merely the regrettable but necessary result of globalization. Undaunted, Obama and his court of entertainers, pundits, bloggers and late-night commentators, strutted on with Hillary Clinton in tow, to what was to be an abrupt, humiliating end.

What is History?

From the very beginning of the Obama catastrophe, the destruction of the American manned space program, with his moronic idea that, “We’ve been to the Moon, so why go back?”, showed him to be a threat not only to the future of the United States, but to the general welfare of mankind as a whole. That space program, once resurrected, will provide the main engine for world peace and advanced economic collaboration particularly among Russia, The United States, China, and India.

It is precisely with the application of space technologies to non-Earth bound processes of industrial production (such as the mining of helium-3 on the Moon, already planned by the Chinese) as well as the higher cultural platform provided by joint missions of discovery, that mankind will step above the lethal level of today’s geo-politics. That was why {The Hamiltonian} headline for the November 8th issue, in response to last week’s definitive statement on the so-called “Obama Legacy,” properly read: {Victory For The Universe}.

Nemesis is the principle of universal law which supplies the corrective for those guilty of the sin of Hubris. Today, Nemesis takes the form of Four Laws: drive the economy through a science driver, exemplified by space exploration, to a new platform of productivity; finance this through a national system of public credit, earmarked for only great projects designated to be improvements in the General Welfare of the nation as a whole; create a national bank for that purpose, independent of the Federal Reserve; put those banking criminals in jail that have speculated with the nation’s money by reinstating Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Glass-Steagall, thus evaporating all the speculative debt, while defending people’s savings and entitlements.

One commentator, Daniel Franklin, author of {Pitiful Giants:Presidents In Their Final Terms}, said: “It doesn’t seem fair that given Obama’s popularity, he is about to be almost totally repudiated. If he can get past that… he will provide the mechanism for transition even in facilitating his own [policy] demise.”

Actually, Obama’s repudiation is not only eminently fair, but right, just, deserved and necessary. If there is any competitor for the worst American Administration in history to that of Obama, it would be that of his predecessors, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush. Even the pre-Civil War regime of James Buchanan would run a distant second.

The principle of Nemesis clearly went unnoticed by the entire coterie of sophists that make up Obama’s “news as entertainment” millionaires circle. Unable to see the actual American electorate through their dense cloud of legalized marijuana smoke, this group of deplorables deserve a further demonstration of the potential for a new paradigm-shift in the American political culture. The immediate reinstatement of Glass-Steagall as a bipartisan unity measure to protect the American people—and the world—from a new financial meltdown, which by itself could provoke a thermonuclear confrontation, would place the United States on the right side of history—and put the hopeless changeless Obama Administration in the dustbin.

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