Mediterranean death trap: Record for migrant deaths beaten by 1,000

‘After the six latest drownings, the number of recorded deaths of migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe this year has surpassed that for 2015 by 1,000, reaching 4,621. Over 540 asylum seekers have died in this month alone.
A total of 4,621 people are estimated to have died in the Mediterranean in 2016, according to the latest International Organization for Migration (IOM) report, compared to 3,777 in 2015. Moreover, November’s 546 deaths topped those recorded in November of 2015 by 465 victims, a six-fold increase.
The bad weather that has been blamed for the increasing death toll does not appear to have deterred the smugglers transporting the asylum seekers, indicating that the upcoming harsh winter months could be particularly lethal.’
Read more: Mediterranean death trap: Record for migrant deaths beaten by 1,000

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