Missing CEO Of Clinton Foundation, Eric Braverman Appears To Be In FBI Custody. Missing Arms Dealer Mark Turi Who Was The Benghazi Fallguy Possibly Dead.

‘I have been keeping up with missing CEO Eric Braverman of the Clinton Foundation. It was first reported that he had taken refuge at the Russian Embassy in New York seeking asylum. He had been exposed in one of the WIKILEAKS Podesta emails as a mole within the Clinton Foundation.
Chelsea Clinton had hired Braverman to clean house, but the old crew at the Foundation resented him being there. Bill Clinton’s handler Doug Band…such a creep…wanted him out. He later resigned and was teaching at Yale, or he was supposed to do that. As far as I can see he had a meeting on October 30, 2016, but he did not attend the meeting. His last tweet was on October 12, 2016.’
Read more: Missing CEO Of Clinton Foundation, Eric Braverman Appears To Be In FBI Custody. Missing Arms Dealer Mark Turi Who Was The Benghazi Fallguy Possibly Dead.

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