Monsanto’s Dirty Links With Government Over Deadly White Phosphorus Manufacturing

‘The stockholders of the ongoing immoral, destructive and criminal enterprise that is the Monsanto corporation have yet another reason to be ashamed: war crimes.
The company is of course well-known for its ugly lawsuits against indigent farmers over genetically-modified seeds, the billions of pounds of cancer-causing glyphosate it has spread around the world, and the prolific manufacture of deadly polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs until they were finally banned in 1979 and which still generate lawsuits to this day over contamination of waterways and wetlands.
But now a new, heavily-redacted report has come out showing just how deeply the corporation has been involved in the manufacture of deadly white phosphorus–with special protection from the U.S. government.’
Read more: Monsanto’s Dirty Links With Government Over Deadly White Phosphorus Manufacturing

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