More Russian officials detained as nationwide anti-corruption drive gains momentum

‘Russian law enforcement has launched criminal investigations targeting several high-ranking regional officials with charges including embezzlement, theft, bribery, and extortion.
The main news of the week was the arrest of Russian Minister of Economic Development Aleksey Ulyukayev for allegedly accepting a $2 million bribe, but more investigations have been initiated all over the country in just the last two days.
The Federal Security Service has arrested two deputies to the governor of central Russia’s Kemerovo Region, Aleksey Ivanov and Aleksandr Danilchenko, on charges of extorting a 51-percent stake in a coal mining company from a local businessman. The media estimated the minimum price of the securities in question to be about 1 billion rubles, or well over $15 million.’
Read more: More Russian officials detained as nationwide anti-corruption drive gains momentum

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