NGO: Just 13 Per Cent of Migrants in Europe Actually Fleeing War

‘Just 13.7 per cent of migrants in Europe say they are fleeing war, with most admitting they are economic migrants, a new study by Doctors of the World (MDM) has revealed.
The NGO found that the majority of nearly 10,000 migrants they spoke to admitted they moved to Europe for economic reasons. Examining access to healthcare, the report looked at migrants across 30 cities, just under half of whom are staying in Europe illegally.
The study, which was published Tuesday in Brussels, discloses that 53.1 per cent of migrants surveyed reported emigrating for economic reasons, 20.5 per cent for political reasons and just 13.7 per cent said they moved to escape war.’
Read more: NGO: Just 13 Per Cent of Migrants in Europe Actually Fleeing War

David Icke – The Migrant Crisis – What needs to be said

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